• List Of Test And Sample Collection

List Of Test And Sample Collection (Histo & Cyto)



  • Routine diagnostic histopathology
  • Histochemistry
  • Immunohistochemistry


  • Non-Gynaecologic Cytology:
  1. Bile duct brushings
  2. Bronchiole brushings and washings
  3. Cerebrospinal fluid
  4. Esophageal brushing
  5. Gastric brushing
  6. Pericardial fluid
  7. Peritoneal fluid
  8. Pleural fluid
  9. Sputum cytology
  10. Urinary tract specimen
  • Gynaecologic Cytology
  1. Cervical smear
  • Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) #

*Note: The cytology tests are not MS ISO 15189 accredited.



  • All tissues should be immersed immediately in fixative (10% neutral buffered formalin) in a properly closed container, labeled with patient identification.
  • Recommended ratio of specimen size to fixative volume is 1:10.
  • All tissues should be sent to the laboratory as soon as possible.
  • Tissue could also be sent fresh directly from the operation theatre without delay during office hours if necessary.


  • Body fluid
  1. Specimen is collected into sterile containers (preferably 20ml of sample volume), labeled with patient identification.
  2. Specimen should be sent immediately to the laboratory. If the specimen cannot be delivered immediately, it should be kept refrigerated at 2-8°C (DO NOT FREEZE).
  • Brushing
  1. Thin layer of smear is attached onto a clean slide, which has been labeled with patient’s identification.
  2. Then, the slide is preserved immediately with 95% alcohol or spray fixative.
  • Cervical smear
  1. Smear is attached onto a slide which has been labeled with patient’s identification. The slide is preserved immediately in a container containing 95% alcohol or fixed with spray fixative.
  • FNAC

(Note: For IPPT clinic, FNAC appointment can be made anytime during office hour).

  1. Sample is taken by the Pathologist/Clinical Specialist/Medical Officer directly from patients.
  2. Smearing is done to several slides which has been labeled with patient’s identification.

Some of the slides are preserved immediately with 95% alcohol and the rest are air dried.
